Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Floyd Mayweather will endorse Roy Chiongbian over Manny Pacquiao

Mayweather vs Mosley
Boxing Examiner | Michael Marley

Manny Pacquiao political rival Roy Chiongbian and his bucket brigade are preparing their electoral trickbag to use on the Pinoy Idol in Sarangani, you would think L'il Floyd Mayweather would come out and publicly endorse his boy Roy, thus ensuring Manny victory in the Congressional race.

Not to mention how astute Mayweather is politically to begin with. Mayweather doesn't know Harry Reid from Jesse Reid, actually. Someone asked Mayweather what the capital of Nevada is and his first answer was "Baccarat," his second was "Fallon."...

False rumors circulate like wildfire, I am hearing from those close to Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez that Edwin Valero did not wear his REHAB IS FOR QUITTERS teeshirt when a judge sent him to dry out for six months.

Meanwhile. referee Laurence Cole has ruled the down the stars tumble that Mrs. Valero took, causing her to suffer a collapsed lung plus multiple bruises, a slip and not a knockdown...

Legal beagles out of Caracas report that when Valero's attorney told him to "take the Fifth" the boxer replied:

"It's too late, I already drank it!"

In a more serious vein, I hope Valero beats back the demon rum and anything else ruining his boxing career but, more importantly, the life of he and his family...

Fighters, promoters and other riffraff moan and groan like washerwomen when they lose a boxing match, Pinay beauty Ana Julaton displays true sportsmanship after losing to Lisa Brown...

It would seem that the potentates of Dubai have bigger problems, they say a boxing card was canceled because Subpac, meaning Manny bro Bobby, refused to fight on it for $20,000. Come on, that's tip money at Nat's Thai Restaurant for Broadway Bobby. I might be able to bring in Rudolph Valentino Clay aka Rahaman Ali for half that amount plus two camels to go...

We're bombarded by boxing and MMA events, one may stand out. Ricardo Mayorga will bring his unique brand of insanity to Fayetteville, NC, and the Crown Coliseum (PPV TV) on May 15. Warning to the North Carolina city, the dignified local hero James "Bonecrusher" Smith was no mercurial menace like Mayorga. Devin Price and his upstart Shine Fights clique is bringing a bigtime card to Fayetteville...

Even Tiger Woods finally admitted being overpaid, overbearing and oversexed, yet Andre Dirrell refuses to apologize to "I put the mean in Armenian" King Arthur Abraham for shoving his jaw into the way of a cracking right hand swat while the American was down on one knee. What's it all about, Andre?. No shot like the cheap shot, eh, King Artie?...

PETA activists like to drown furwearing models and celebrities with buckets of paint for mistreating animals, they now criticize Mike Tyson for his pigeon racing reality TV series. But as UK promoter Fearless Frank Warren deftly points out, not one PETA activist has dared to try to slap Iron Mike with "a protective coating."...


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